Setup Layout and Sidebar – Blogger

Setting up the layout and sidebar in Blogger involves customizing the arrangement of widgets and gadgets on your blog’s homepage. Here’s how to do it with examples:

1. Access the Blogger Dashboard:

  • Log in to your Blogger account and access your Blogger dashboard.

2. Navigate to the Layout Section:

  • In the left sidebar of your dashboard, click on “Layout.” This is where you can manage and customize the layout of your blog.

3. Customize the Layout and Sidebar:

  • Header: This is typically the top section of your blog and may contain your blog’s title and logo. You can customize it by clicking on the “Edit” button in the “Header” section. For example, you can upload a custom logo or change the title and description.
  • Sidebar: The sidebar is a prominent part of your blog’s layout. Here, you can add various widgets and gadgets. To edit or add widgets to your sidebar:
    • Example 1: Adding a Popular Posts Widget:
      • Click on the “Add a Gadget” link within the “Sidebar” section.
      • In the popup window, scroll down and select the “Popular Posts” widget.
      • Configure the settings for the widget, such as the number of popular posts to display and the title.
      • Click “Save.”
    • Example 2: Adding a Recent Posts Widget:
      • Click on the “Add a Gadget” link within the “Sidebar” section.
      • In the popup window, select the “Blog Posts” widget.
      • Configure the settings, such as the number of recent posts to display and the title.
      • Click “Save.”
    • Example 3: Adding an HTML/JavaScript Widget (Custom Widget):
      • If you want to add custom content or third-party widgets, click on the “Add a Gadget” link within the “Sidebar” section.
      • Select the “HTML/JavaScript” widget.
      • In the widget configuration, you can add custom HTML or JavaScript code. For instance, you can embed a newsletter signup form or a social media follow button.
      • Click “Save.”
    • Example 4: Reordering Widgets:
      • You can rearrange the order of widgets in your sidebar by clicking and dragging them to your preferred positions within the layout.

4. Preview and Save:

  • After adding and arranging widgets, click the “Save” button to save your layout changes.

5. Preview Your Blog:

  • To see how your blog’s layout and sidebar look to visitors, click the “View Blog” button at the top of the Blogger dashboard.

Remember that the specific widgets available in your Blogger dashboard may vary depending on your blog’s template or theme. You can further customize the layout by exploring other sections in the Blogger “Layout” menu, such as the footer, cross-column, and more. Regularly review and update your blog’s layout to optimize user experience and engagement.