How to add Discount Column

Method 1

Method 2

In Tally Prime, the discount column is used to record the discounts offered on a sale or purchase transaction. It is commonly used in businesses to incentivize customers to buy more or to pay their invoices early.

Step 1 Press F11 To enable the discount column feature, you need to follow these steps:


Step 2 Purchase Following Item
Gateway Of Tally >> Voucher >> F9 For Purchase Voucher


Step 3 Sales Entry in Tally Prime with Discount Column
Gateway Of Tally >> Voucher >> F8 For Sales Voucher

Following item sold by cash on discount.

1. Lenovo K6 Note 5 pcs @ 7800 on 2% Discount
2. Lenovo 6000 4 Nos @ 6200 on 3% Discount


Balance Sheet